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MEDIA RELEASE: Science-based decision required to safeguard skate and Tasmanian brand, says BAM

Media Release from Business Alliance for the Maugean Skate 

Federal Labor has proposed environmental law changes that would green light endless nature destruction when they've promised no extinctions on their watch.
"Tasmanian tourism related businesses and jobs are going to vanish if we become the Extinction capital. If Tasmania lets the Maugean Skate, Red Handfish, Orange Bellied Parrot and Swift Parrot go extinct in 2025 then the state risks its environmental tourist destination status and the billions of dollars that come from it going the same way as these animals."  says Matt Testoni , Save the Skate Campaigner, Environment Tasmania and BAM (Business Alliance for the Maugean Skate) co-ordinator.
"This proposed amendment puts thousands of jobs on the line in the coming years because we have failed to protect our important environmental assets. It is one the biggest threats facing the Tasmanian Brand and the jobs and businesses in our state."

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Media release: Community combine fun with marine conservation near critically endangered Red handfish habitat this summer

February 07, 2025

Over 80 community members learned about Tasmania's precious and precarious marine environment at a series of three Family Snorkelling events run by Environment Tasmania and Eaglehawk Dive Centre in Tassie's south east this summer. Each event offered local families the opportunity to grow their snorkelling skills while...

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MEDIA RELEASE: World’s largest shareholder vote to save a species

November 14, 2024

At Coles AGM today, nearly 40% of shareholders rallied against the board’s recommendation and supported a world-first resolution that calls on the company to address the impacts their farmed seafood, such as Macquarie Harbour salmon, has on endangered species like the Maugean Skate.  This...

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