Tasmania’s State of the Environment report which is mandated to be released every 5 years, is already 9 years overdue. Last year the Tasmanian government committed to completing the next Tasmanian State of Environment report by 2025.
“Today’s report released by The Australia institute, Tasmania, the Environmental Defenders Office and the Tasmanian Independent Science Council absolutely hits the nail on the head. The State of the Environment report, which will inform and underpin how we care for our beloved island state, will be inadequate without sufficient funding.” says Rebecca Howarth, Marine Campaigner for Environment Tasmania.
“This report is absolutely crucial for informing how we take care of Tasmania’s natural environment. If the Tasmanian government does not inject a minimum of an extra $1.1 million to the process, the consequences for our environment, which is already under immense pressure, will be dire.”
Media contact: Rebecca Howarth 0493 395868